Day 78: Busted tools


While digging in the garage I keep coming across broken or bent tools. For whatever reason I kept them.  No idea…

The plan:

Tossing. They have no value and they are so cheaply made they cannot be easily repaired. It just goes to show you that you get what you pay for. No sense buying cheaply made items.

Day 77: Swords


When I was young I participated in this Renaissance Festival as a sword fighting actor. It was a one time thing, which was fun btw, but since then all “stage acting” was done. As part of this acting we had to purchase our own stage swords. These are real metal swords that are blunted and made for endless beatings.

Since that event, my mother has visited Europe twice, and each time I jokingly told her to “bring me a sword back”. The first time she brought me back a sharp dagger from Germany. Somewhat dangerous but an amusing souvenir.

The second time, she apparently (long before 9/11 mind you) somehow brought back on CARRY ON of all places a full sized Scottish Claymore replica sword. I swear you can’t make this up, she had it carry on sitting in the seat next to her on a trans-atlantic flight.

Since then these 3 swords were floating around the house. I mean, what do you do with a sword right? So I mounted them to the wall in the garage. You know, just in case we decide to liberate Scotland again.

The plan:

These are literally mounted to the wall right where I want to put my car charger so they will have to come down. I imagine I can sell these for some reasonable money on craigslist. The stage sword could be repurposed to an up and coming actor for sure.

I will have to live knowing I don’t have a real sword in the house anymore, which I think I can accept. Lol.

Day 76: Coffee


This might be a shocking post but I was sitting there at work yesterday and thought to myself that I haven’t had coffee in a while. I cut back sugar, then I cut back creamer. The coffee was “ok” but I just didn’t drink as much since it wasn’t a sugary mess. In retrospect, I find myself drinking cups of tea more at work, and when we go out to eat. Unsweetened tea seems to be my go-to beverage.

Even at work, I can grab a full cup of near boiling water out of the front of the coffee machine. They have this orange-black peoke (spelling is wrong?) tea bags which are wonderful to drink.

The plan:

Unless under special circumstances I think I am done with coffee as a regular drink. Tea seems to sit better with my sensitive stomach too. Less urgent trips to the bathroom ha ha.

At home I will try to branch out my tea flavors to include other tea types. I think I even have a fancy tea strainer I need to find and drag out.

Day 75: Old VHS tapes


The only remaining VHS tapes I have are old school plays and concerts. I even have a few videos of us messing around with my dad’s camera. General kid mirth. I have no actual movies left which is good.

I don’t even have a VHS player anymore. I kept these tapes because these were some great times that were filmed.

The plan:

I found a very inexpensive video ripping card online. I will keep my eye on it and find one used and cheap. I don’t want to spend more than $30. Once acquired I will rip these using my parent’s VHS player and digitize them. I know my parents too have a bunch of items they want ripped too so we can heavily use the device. Then I can resell it on Craigslist to recoup some money.

The tapes can be garbaged since they are useless after that. This will get rid of a small box of tapes on the storage shelf.